Daily Devotional Acts 13:4-8 – Why does God allow obstacles and challenges? – Free online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 560

The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Selecia and sailed from there to Cyprus. When they arrived at Salamis, they proclaimed the word of God in the Jewish synagogues. John was with them as their helper. They traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus, who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabus and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God. But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith. (Acts 13:4-8)

This Scripture reminds us again that Paul and Barnabus were sent to Cypress by the Holy Spirit. Yesterday we learned when God sends us on a mission, we should pray and fast, ask for prayer and support, and accept the mission. Today we see that timing is important. When God calls you to leave, go immediately. No trouble was reported on the sea or their land travel across the island to Paphos. God’s timing is always perfect. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (ERV) tells us: “God gave us the ability to think about his world, but we can never completely understand everything he does. And yet, he does everything at just the right time.”

Does that mean when the Holy Spirit nudges us to do something for God that we won’t encounter any problems? Absolutely not. Paul and Barnabus encounter the enemy twice, once in Bar-Jesus, a sorcerer (black magic) and false Jewish prophet and the second time in Elymas, also a sorcerer.

God allows the enemy to bring obstacles and challenges in our lives for several reasons. 1) He wants to save us from our problems. We must trust Him and not be afraid. (Isaiah 12:2) 2) If the mission is too easy, we won’t have to rely on God, and we might not give him the glory. 3) God uses obstacles and challenges to improve ourselves and others. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)

When God sends you on a mission you should pray and fast, ask for prayer and support, accept the mission, start when God tells you to, and use the power of the Holy Spirit to help you with obstacles and challenges.

Father God, I praise you for filling me with the Holy Spirit so I can overcome the obstacles and challenges facing me today. Thank you (perhaps in advance) for giving me a mission that brings happiness and encourages others so I can have a purpose in Your kingdom and give you glory. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotional Acts 13:4-8 – Why does God allow obstacles and challenges? – Free online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 560

4 thoughts on “Daily Devotional Acts 13:4-8 – Why does God allow obstacles and challenges? – Free online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 560

  1. I do think that God gives us purpose and a mission. Are we on the lookout for something special? Can our mission be something ordinary and common? God has a plan for our lives. I think that we live that plan everyday. I’m not sure His plan is always doing something special. Everyday we have the opportunity to be a good person and make good choices. I think we have challenges to learn from and build a strong character. Sometimes I wonder why we have such huge challenges in front of us. Sometimes it feels unfair but we need to remember that God is in control and we need to turn our worries over to Him.

    1. We should always be on the lookout for a mission. Yes, it can be ordinary and common. In my next post I touch on art as a mission. Doing art always puts us in touch with the Holy Spirit. You are a talented seamstress. Don’t you also draw well? Making masks for others during COVID is a mission, one I very much appreciated. God has called you to be a caregiver, not only to care for your husband and daughter but also to speak blessings into your grandson. You may be the only one in his life to tell him about God’s love. When we learn from challenges to trust God, build strong character, and attain the fruits of the spirit, God will use us in bigger ways. We can and will do things through God that we can’t even think of or imagine today.

    1. I have been blogging for three years. Thank you for your encouragement and coming to my website. Isn’t it wonderful that we have the power of the Holy Spirit to help us overcome obstacles and challenges. I prayed for you and your family today and hope you know how wide and long and high and deep God’s love is for you. Blessings, Jody

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