Daily Devotional Acts 8:9-13 – What can we learn from Simon the Sorcerer? – Part 1 – Free Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 514

But there was a man named Simon in that city who had been practicing magic for some time and mystifying the people of Samaria. He pretended that he was somebody great, and everyone from the lowest to the highest, was fascinated by him. Indeed they used to say, “This man must be that great power of God.” He had influenced them for a long time, astounding them by his magical practices. But when they had come to believe Philip as he proclaimed to them the good news of the kingdom of God and of the name of Jesus Christ, men and women alike were baptized. Even Simon himself became a believer and after his baptism attached himself closely to Philip. As he saw the signs and remarkable demonstrations of power which took place, he lived in a state of constant wonder. (Acts 8:9-13)

The enemy worked through Simon the Sorcerer to perform magic and fool people into thinking he was a god. But we can tell if someone’s power is from God or Satan. God’s power always has a purpose. He doesn’t perform magic tricks nor does he work through people who pretend to be great. God works through the humble.

Simon became a believer and listened to Philip preach every day. He was done with the enemy, but, unfortunately the enemy wasn’t done with him. In his constant state of wonder, Simon questioned how he could become more powerful, not how he could be closer to God.

One lesson learned from Simon the Sorcerer is to identify what we wonder and think about. Do we contemplate thoughtful things we can do for our family and others and kind words we can say to spread God’s love.  Do we ponder the dreams He has placed in our hearts and the steps we need to take to fulfill those dreams? What you think about most is what you place on your throne.

Heavenly Father, I praise you for filling me with the power of Your Holy Spirit. Let me use it for Your glory. As I pray and think about how I can serve you today through work, appointments, and chores, fill my head with ideas how I can love those around me. Help me carve out time in my schedule to search the dreams you’ve placed in my heart and bring them to fulfillment. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

Daily Devotional Acts 8:9-13 – What can we learn from Simon the Sorcerer? – Part 1 – Free Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 514

2 thoughts on “Daily Devotional Acts 8:9-13 – What can we learn from Simon the Sorcerer? – Part 1 – Free Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 514

  1. My thought when I read your title, “What we can learn from Simon the Sorcerer”, I immediately thought of Harry Potter books. The books were filled with Sorcerers. I guess that is why some Christians fussed about them, saying that they were satanic. They say the same thing about Halloween. I think that is taking things to seriously. Both were meant to be fun and enjoyable. I also stopped and thought about what I think most about, what I pray about the most. It would have to be friends and family. I pray to God to direct my life and fill me with the Holy Spirit. I place love on my throne.

    1. As you’ll see from my post today, I think that people who say the Harry Potter books were Satanic are actually dangerous Christians who turn people from Christianity. There are good lessons to be learned from the Harry Potter books and people who say otherwise don’t see the imperfections in themselves. They are quick to judge and make people feel bad about themselves perhaps to the point of helping people waste their lives and turn them away from God. We all need to put love on our thrones as you do. I prayed for you today. Blessings, Jody

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