Daily Devotional Luke 17:15-19 – How does faith help mental health? – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 332

One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him – and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner? Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” (Luke 17:15-19)

Many wealthy women spend thousands of dollars a month on skin care, hair care, make-up, jewelry, massages, and clothes. We’re jealous because we think these things will make us feel better. No one loves a massage as much as I do, but its effects are short-term. In the twenty or so I’ve had in my lifetime, not once did a massage change my heart.

In his writing, Luke, our medical doctor, is concerned with mental health. We learned yesterday that these ten lepers were physically healed. But only one non-Jew returned to praise Jesus for healing him. It is only when our faith includes praising God and Jesus, practicing humility, and thanking God for His blessings that we’re healed mentally.

The other nine lepers, some or all Jewish, did not praise God for their healing. They changed on the outside but not on the inside. Even though they were healed physically by Jesus, their faith and heart did not change.

If we are to discard our worst habit on this journey with Jesus, we must first identify it and have faith God will help us discard it. Mine is overeating. What is yours? I intend to change my eating habits and lose thirty pounds on this journey. What is your goal? I’m starting to pray. I hope you’ll join me.

Glorious God, I’m on my knees. I have bad habits, but I’m choosing one for you to help me discard. Thank you in advance for helping me _______­­­­­­­­­­. You’re my Refuge and Strength. Thank you for the many blessings you’ve given me. In Jesus’ precious and holy name I pray, amen

Daily Devotional Luke 17:15-19 – How does faith help mental health? – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 332

2 thoughts on “Daily Devotional Luke 17:15-19 – How does faith help mental health? – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 332

  1. I think that mental health issues can lead to physical issues and physical issues can lead to mental health issues. I believe when we ask for healing we need to ask God to heal our whole being, both mental and physical. We need to ask for help with our bad habits. Maybe we can find a way to encourage each other with weight loss and good eating habits.

    1. You’re right. Mental and physical health issues are interrelated. I believe you can only work on one thing at a time but that is my personal opinion. If you’re choosing good eating habits, that would be great to encourage each other.

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