Daily Devotional Luke 17:20-21 – What is the kingdom of God? – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 333

Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Luke 17:20-21)

The leader of my writing group touched my heart today. She told me I was a good writer, an amazing encourager, and that she was thankful to be in the writing group with me. Essentially, she passed on God’s love and made me feel like I was in the midst of the kingdom of God. We cannot say, “Here is my heart or there is my heart.” But when we express our hearts with love and encouragement, the kingdom of God comes alive.

The Pharisees thought that God’s kingdom would be a Jewish empire. Their Messiah would help them defeat the Romans. In this passage, Jesus tried to tell the Pharisees they were wrong about the kingdom of God because He didn’t want them to miss it. The kingdom of God is love. Jesus is the kingdom of God, and He was in their midst.  

People in the kingdom of God, those demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit, put love before judgment, forgiveness before revenge, empathy before intolerance, and giving before taking. They exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; the fruits of the Spirit. Passing on God’s love enables others to experience a moment in heaven.

Dearest Father in Heaven, thank you for the many blessings you’ve given me. Father God. Help me love and encourage _________ (name(s) of person) today, so they can taste Your kingdom.

Daily Devotional Luke 17:20-21 – What is the kingdom of God? – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 333

2 thoughts on “Daily Devotional Luke 17:20-21 – What is the kingdom of God? – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 333

  1. What a beautiful way to think about the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is in our midst. Sometimes I think we lose sight of that, at least I do. When we act in love and kindness we are paying it forward to help another experience God’s love while on Earth.

    1. I’m glad this devotional encouraged you. When we believe in Jesus, repent, and ask Him to save us, we belong to the kingdom of God. Faith without works is dead. You are a great caregiver and pay it forward every day.

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