Bible Study Devotional – Day 207 – Commentary Luke 9:1-2 – Do we use God’s authority and power?

When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. (Luke 9:1-2)

Andrew Womack ( has a Healing University as part of his Charis Bible College. He teaches that we don’t see more healings today because we pray to beg God for healing instead of using the authority that God has given us to heal. Womack compares healing to electricity. The power company is like God. It generates the power and gives you authority to use it. You use your authority by flipping on a light switch. We use God’s authority to heal by commanding the healing in Jesus’ name. No matter how much you beg the power company (God), they (He) won’t come to your home to turn the switch on for you. Womack says we need to become commanders instead of beggars to heal the sick.

Here in Luke 9 Jesus gives his power and authority to the Twelve apostles but in Luke 10 He gives the power and authority to His followers. We need to use His power and authority to drive out demons, heal the sick, and proclaim the Kingdom of God because there is still a lot of work to do.

On that first Christmas morning until over 30 years later, it was only Jesus shining His light. At this point in the Scriptures twelve more lights will shine. In Luke 10 Jesus commands all His followers to use His authority and power to turn on their lights. If all Christians were to use God’s power and authority there should be billions of lights shining in the Kingdom of God. I know that’s what God wants.

Father God, it blows my mind that you have given little old me authority and Your power to drive out demons, heal the sick, and proclaim the Kingdom of God in Jesus’ name. Help me to take this in, God. You must view little old me differently than I do. Help me to wrap my brain around it and be ready to shine my light as You would have me shine it by the time we study Luke 10. Thank you, Lord, I pray in Jesus precious and Holy name. Amen.

Bible Study Devotional – Day 207 – Commentary Luke 9:1-2 – Do we use God’s authority and power?

4 thoughts on “Bible Study Devotional – Day 207 – Commentary Luke 9:1-2 – Do we use God’s authority and power?

  1. I love, love, love this!!!! I have never thought of healing power like this before. Like you said, God has given power to me to help heal the sick, to drive away the enemy?? Can this possibly be true. If so, what a revelation. I have always approached prayer for healing as a beggar. This is a lot to wrap your brain around, being a commander and not a beggar, but it makes so much sense. When I think about it, it is just what the Mormons did for me before my breast cancer surgery. They came to our house and said prayers over me and anointed my head with oil that had been blessed by the Bishop. They commanded that God heal me in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. It was a really powerful moment for me. I had never experienced anything like it before. It was a powerful and humbling experience and I knew that I was going to be OK. Just thinking about it gives me the chills and makes me so grateful.

    1. Wow, you never told me about that before. Who was your mormon friend? That is so cool you have experienced God’s healing. I just thanked God in prayer for His miracle of healing for you. I want to hear more about it. I want to use your story when I get to Luke 10. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You may use my story. I am glad that we talked about all of this on the phone. I feel incredibly fortunate to have had that experience and to be healed from breast cancer. Just as I know that you feel fortunate to be cured from colon cancer. God is looking out for us and blessing us.

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