Blog – Day 11 – Why is it so difficult to apologize?


Do you know people who think that they’re always right?  They don’t listen to the feelings of others and can sometimes be annoying.  I used to be that way (maybe I still am a little), and I’m sorry.  It took me decades to learn that people are more important than getting a job done. When I was growing up, no one seemed to care about my feelings, so I didn’t care about other people’s feelings when I got a little older.  I didn’t know it would give me joy to care about others or that caring about people is how friendships are built.  Yet after I became a Christian, I was quick to apologize (if I realized I had hurt someone).  Most people that think they have all the answers generally never apologize since they’re always right.  Why is it difficult for most of us to apologize? And I don’t think I’m the only one whose heart is bleeding because I’m waiting for someone to apologize to me.  I asked him to, and he replied, “Why are you making a big deal out of nothing?”  That person has never stood in my shoes.  What he did almost destroyed my family, my life.  Yet there are times when sin has overtaken me also.  So do I have the right to ask him to apologize? What would I do without God’s love and forgiveness?

Blog – Day 11 – Why is it so difficult to apologize?

2 thoughts on “Blog – Day 11 – Why is it so difficult to apologize?

  1. This was the right devotional for me to read today. I think that if you have to ask someone to apologize then the apology means nothing. If someone truly feels they have wronged a family/person they will apologize without being asked. That means that they accept their wrong doing and their responsibility for their actions. Yes, I do feel that you have the right to ask for an apology but at the end of the day the apology should be given without a request if the person is truly regretful for their actions.

    1. Dear Pam, It sounds as if you are waiting for someone to apologize also. People hurt us, and our hearts bleed. I am so thankful for God who holds me in His arms and comforts me. I know He is doing the same for you! I am praying for us!

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