Daily Devotional Luke 20:20-22 – Do I want to be a spy or a disciple of Jesus? – How to break a bad habit, step 7 – Become a disciple of Jesus – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 361

Daily Devotional Luke 20:20-22 – Do I want to be a spy or a disciple of Jesus? – How to break a bad habit, part 7 – Become a disciple of Jesus – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 361

Keeping a close watch on him, they sent spies, who pretended to be sincere. They hoped to catch Jesus in something he said, so that they might hand him over to the power and authority of the governor. So the spies questioned him. “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is right, and that you do not show partiality but teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” (Luke 20:20-22)

I went to church for sixteen years before I realized the God of the universe wasn’t too big to have a relationship with me. Before that my faith was smaller than a mustard seed, and I asked questions publicly such as, “Why should I listen to God when he gave me no friends?” I was like a spy looking into a relationship with God from the outside. It’s easy to blame God for things before we have a relationship with Him and realize he brings good from bad.

It’s sad God’s chief priests and leaders of Israel had forsaken God for power. They hobnobbed with the wealthy and had no relationship with God. They didn’t follow Him, so they couldn’t teach the Israelites to become disciples. The message they sent to their people was that worth was positioning themselves to become wealthy and powerful. They hadn’t learned to become humble to let God work through them. They were like spies looking from the outside in.

The chief priests and leaders of Israel learned how easy it was to find spies. Convincing people to do their dirty work, only required the offer of money or low positions in the temple. They taught the Israelites to become jealous people. God is currently using this bad trait for good. Jews who die are watching Gentiles enter the kingdom of God. The jealousy is overwhelming. By the time the last Gentile enters the kingdom of God, there will be no question that every Jew will want to enter, even if it means acknowledging Jesus as their savior.

The seventh step to leaving a bad habit or trait at the cross is to become a disciple of Jesus. Luke spent his entire Gospel to the point we reached Jerusalem teaching us how.

Father God, I love and adore you, Lord, for you have broken the chains, through Jesus my savior, that have bound me. Thank you for wisdom as I study Your Word. As my authority, show me when I have wronged another. I’m sorry I don’t always respond in love. Let me leave jealousy and ___________ at the cross. I want to be a disciple in Your kingdom, not a spy looking in from the outside. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Daily Devotional Luke 20:20-22 – Do I want to be a spy or a disciple of Jesus? – How to break a bad habit, step 7 – Become a disciple of Jesus – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 361

4 thoughts on “Daily Devotional Luke 20:20-22 – Do I want to be a spy or a disciple of Jesus? – How to break a bad habit, step 7 – Become a disciple of Jesus – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 361

  1. I think growing in faith is a process. I am not sure that any child understands the enormity of a personal relationship with God. I know that my faith, at many times in my life, has been as a small as a mustard seed. People that are disciples of Jesus are still growing their faith and relationship with God. There are many ways to be His disciple. It is not a one fits all situation.

    1. Children are more willing to take on a relationship with God, but you’re right, they probably don’t understand the enormity. Our faith grows as he answers our prayers

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    1. Laraine, thank you so much for your encouragement. I’m glad you enjoyed my website. I checked out your website, and it looks like the Kosky’s are doing wonderful work in South Africa. I am praying for you and your missionary group. Blessings, Jody

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