Daily Devotional Luke 13:22-24 – How does one enter through the narrow door/gate? How to improve your relationship with Jesus? – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 295

Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” He said to them, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. (Luke 13:22-24)

I am currently reading the novel, Rooms, by James L. Rubart. Micah Taylor is a software genius who built a large corporation with his friend, Julie. The business was his life and Julie his girlfriend until his great uncle died. He left him a house in Cannon Beach, Oregon, with rooms that conveyed Micah’s soul. In Cannon Beach, he immediately finds a Christian mentor and a Christian woman who intrigue him. Micah develops two lives, a worldly life in Seattle and a spiritual life in Cannon Beach. He went to church when his mom was alive, but will He let Jesus pull him through the narrow door? Will he be able to keep his life in Seattle and still fit through the door?

Jesus is on his final trek to Jerusalem. He doesn’t answer the question of who will be saved because the someone asking needs to concentrate on their own relationship with Jesus. So, Jesus tells the parable of the narrow door. Finding the door is a challenge. The enemy will put people in our lives who prevent us from finding the door. People will make us feel that Jesus is a crutch, and, if we are strong, we should do life on our own. The door is narrow. The only way to enter is for Jesus to pull you through. It requires not only belief in Him but the willingness to extend your hand for His. Forming a relationship with Jesus scares some. We fear He will change us and make us abandon our ways. The truth is, He loves us without reason and maybe we’ll want to change our ways with His help.

Make the effort to reach for Jesus, you won’t regret it.

Father God I want to deepen my relationship with Jesus. Show me how. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Daily Devotional Luke 13:22-24 – How does one enter through the narrow door/gate? How to improve your relationship with Jesus? – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 295

2 thoughts on “Daily Devotional Luke 13:22-24 – How does one enter through the narrow door/gate? How to improve your relationship with Jesus? – Online Bible Study – Commentary in easy English – Day 295

  1. I hope that I will be able to enter through the narrow door. This is very touching and thought provoking. What does the narrow door look like? I love the picture you chose.

    1. Sis, you’ve already entered through the narrow door. It is a symbol. It consists of believing in Jesus, repenting your sin, taking his hand and letting him pull you into the kingdom of God. It begins on earth. Death is a revolving door. Your body dies, but your spirit and soul are already living. When you die, you will get a new spiritual body for heaven.

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