Daily Devotional Luke 11:42 – Woes of the Pharisees – Woe #1 Passing by God’s love – Online Bible Study – Bible Study in Easy English – Day 263

“But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint, rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.”

It is popular to discuss privilege. Naria Willis published an article, Five types of Privilege You Probably Have No Idea You’re Benefiting From, https://www.elitedaily.com/life/privilege-benefiting-from-no-idea/1496370. She defines privilege as a benefit enjoyed by one person beyond the advantages of most. She lists five: 1) white privilege, 2) socio-economic privilege, 3) Christian privilege 4) gender privilege, and 5) heterosexual privilege. White privilege she says is being able to wear a band-aid that is somewhat camouflaged, turning on the television and seeing people mostly of your race, and having less of a chance of being arrested. Christian privilege is having all your holidays off work. Naria states having privilege is nothing to be ashamed of, but something to be aware of. Your status in the world will make your path easier. However, it blinds some into thinking the benefits you gain are ones you deserve because you’re better, smarter, or more deserving than others.

The Pharisees were born into the family line of Aaron entitling them to be leaders in the temple. They were wealthy and blinded into thinking they deserved their privilege. They were not humble nor did they help the poor. Jesus told them they were so busy measuring spices (enforcing Jewish law), that they passed right by God’s love and justice. They were unwilling to humble themselves or help others who lacked privilege.

God wants us to embrace His love and justice. We are privileged to be God’s children but did nothing to deserve it. He wants us to humble ourselves and help others as Jesus has done for us.

Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for Your mercy, enabling me to be Your child. It is your power that allows me to be a victor and not a victim. So, let me always be humble and show Your love and justice to others. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

Daily Devotional Luke 11:42 – Woes of the Pharisees – Woe #1 Passing by God’s love – Online Bible Study – Bible Study in Easy English – Day 263

3 thoughts on “Daily Devotional Luke 11:42 – Woes of the Pharisees – Woe #1 Passing by God’s love – Online Bible Study – Bible Study in Easy English – Day 263

  1. In today’s world it is not politically correct to be privileged. I feel that it is looked down upon. Somehow, if you are privileged it is a bad thing. I think that it comes from the mentality that we should all be the same and no one should have more than someone else. It is too bad that it is looked upon as such a negative thing. It can be a bad thing if you boast about your privileges and you chose not to be humble. There are many people that are boastful about what they have and how they live. I believe you should use your privilege to help people. Being privileged allows you to be in a position of power to help others that are not as fortunate. If you are humble and help others, you are not acting like the Pharisees and you are in God’s favor.

    1. To know Jesus is to be privileged. You’re right knowing Jesus isn’t politically correct, is looked down on by the world and it is being humble and helping others. God’s privilege is available to everyone.

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