Devotional Luke 11:27-28, Bible Study Commentary in Easy English, Online Bible Study, blog – Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it – Day 257

As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” (Luke 11:27-28)

My oldest daughter’s birthday was yesterday. Thirty-three years ago, I felt so blessed. All new mothers, those who give birth and those who adopt, are blessed. Mary was especially blessed giving birth to Jesus.

Jesus celebrates all babies with every new mom because they’re God’s children. But Jesus weeps for those children who are scattered from him. These men who have accused Jesus of lying are amongst the scattered. He’s frustrated and doesn’t want to accuse them, so he tells stories to help them think about the effects of lying. The enemy’s spirits of pride and deceit had already visited these men (Pharisees), and Jesus was sad and frustrated the enemy would continue his attack. So, Jesus advises them one more time. “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” 

Dearest God, thank you for the blessing of family. Help me and my family seek and stay close to You. When I read and listen to Your Word, let me understand and obey it. Give every child someone who will pass on your love. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Devotional Luke 11:27-28, Bible Study Commentary in Easy English, Online Bible Study, blog – Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it – Day 257

6 thoughts on “Devotional Luke 11:27-28, Bible Study Commentary in Easy English, Online Bible Study, blog – Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it – Day 257

  1. As Christians, I think it is our duty to seek the word of God and Christ and try as best as humanly possible to follow the holy words. There are times that it is difficult. Sometimes, certain scripture makes me uncomfortable. Does God understand this, understand the ability of free will/thinking that He gave me?

    1. God gives you free will but not negative thinking. That comes from yourself and the enemy. God understands we cannot do everything He asks us to do; that’s why we need a Savior. He sent us Jesus. The Scripture that makes us uncomfortable usually deals in an area of life that we need help — again that’s why we need Jesus. If God had made us perfect, we would have no need for Jesus..

  2. I do not agree with you. Just because a scripture makes us feel uncomfortable does not mean it is an area we need help with. I told you that the scripture yesterday made me feel uncomfortable. It talks about evil spirits being in the home and bringing more evil spirits into the home. In my mind it is not negative thinking to feel uncomfortable with that. You say the evil spirit of depression and anxiety will enter the home. Do you really believe that the enemy is the cause for a medical condition? So, because I have anxiety the enemy lives within my home and me?

    1. I’m sorry. No, I don’t believe the enemy lives within your home and you. My website tells me you were responding to day 257. I was talking about myself feeling uncomfortable with Bible verses that talk about loving brothers and sisters since I am estranged from my sister. That bothers me a lot, and as you know, I ask God all the time to help work it out. I do believe in general that God made a perfect Adam and Eve and we were made to live for eternity with God in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve sinned, they could no longer live with God. At that time death became necessary and sin became prevalent. Since Satan convinced Adam and Eve to sin, Satan is involved in sin and sickness, so in that way Satan is responsible for mental and physical health. That does not mean that Satan is living within you or your house now. I didn’t mean to infer that Satan lives within you or your house now because I certainly don’t believe that. I love you, Sis.

  3. I didn’t take your comment personally, and I didn’t word my response correctly. I know you personally don’t think that Satan lives in me or my home. I personally do not believe that Satan is involved, in any way, with health, physical or mental. Sin, yes, health, no. If you believe that Satan is involved in health issues, then Satan gave Drew MS, cancer, depression? That would seem more like saying that is his Karma? Or vengeance from God?

    1. I’m glad you didn’t take my comment personally. I was horrified at how you interpreted what I said, and I will relook at what I wrote. I believe we have physical health issues from germs and altered DNA and mental health issues from experiencing hate and brain chemistry imbalance. I believe that Satan may have had a part originally in causing the altered DNA that has been passed down through many generations and introducing germs because I believe God created a perfect universe.

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