Bible Study Devotional – Day 233 – Commentary Luke 9:61-62 – Decide if you want to follow Jesus before you make the commitment.

Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.” Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

My sister and her husband recently built their dream home in Tennessee. A house that should have been finished in five or six months took two years. There were many excuses. Then, before it was finished the builder quit because it went over budget. He broke their contract. His many excuses turned their dream into a nightmare.

This third would-be follower makes a commitment to follow Jesus. He looks back at his decision and changes his mind. He leaves Jesus but not before making an excuse that he’s going to say farewell to his family.

Before making a commitment to Jesus we must want to be more like Him. Complete honesty may require us to leave jobs and dishonest friends. It requires us to be humble and most of all to love others. Jesus doesn’t expect us to be perfect. Luke shows us Jesus’ apostles were far from perfect. He wants us to love and to follow Him.

Dearest Father, I’ve made a commitment to follow Jesus. Help me do that with honesty, love, and without excuses, so I don’t make so many mistakes. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


Bible Study Devotional – Day 233 – Commentary Luke 9:61-62 – Decide if you want to follow Jesus before you make the commitment.

2 thoughts on “Bible Study Devotional – Day 233 – Commentary Luke 9:61-62 – Decide if you want to follow Jesus before you make the commitment.

  1. It was such a nightmare, that at times I felt that God was not listening to my prayers. God couldn’t control our builder. Our builder was full of the enemy. I questioned if we had made the right choice to move to Tennessee and build a house, but God lead us there. I finally realized God had not abandoned us and was probably crying with us. I realized at some point that my bond with Jesus and God was getting stronger, not weaker. That made me feel more committed to God, Jesus and my relationship with Them.

    1. God can control us but doesn’t because he chooses to give us free will. You’re right. Your builder is full of the enemy which was unfortunate. You’re right, I’m sure God hated watching to what was happening to you and will make it up to you since you are so faithful to Him. Your house is beautiful and the views are beautiful. God is with you!

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