Bible Study Devotional – Day 144 – Commentary Luke 5:6-7 – Should we share our faith?

When they had done so (let down their nets), they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. (Luke 5:6-7)

 There are things that defeat us in life, for me it’s overeating. For you it could be depression, loneliness, a bad work situation, a loss, or uncontrollable bad habits. Our falls can cause our fire for life to dwindle to a flame or even a spark. But God planted spiritual gifts and greatness within all of us. When we have faith, let down the nets covering our hearts, and get in the boat with God, our life changes. Our sparks are stirred up into a fire and we have abundance. That abundance could be faith, money, or fish. Whatever it looks like in our lives, we are called upon to share it.

 Simon Peter was tired and weary from working hard and accomplishing nothing. His fire for life had dwindled to a spark. Because of his faith, he obeyed Jesus, welcoming Him into his boat and letting down his nets. He had the biggest catch of his life, and his spark was stirred into a fire. He shared his abundance, his miracle, with partners, James and John, so they would come to know Jesus too. Without sharing his catch, Simon would’ve sunk.

 Heavenly Father, help us to share our overflow of possessions and faith with others, so they will want to know you like we do.

Bible Study Devotional – Day 144 – Commentary Luke 5:6-7 – Should we share our faith?

2 thoughts on “Bible Study Devotional – Day 144 – Commentary Luke 5:6-7 – Should we share our faith?

  1. Yes, I believe we should share our faith. Our lives will be fuller if we do. I guess we all have obstacles in our lives and we should learn from them and pray about them. Hopefully, we will be blessed if we help others and share our faith.

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