Bible Study Devotional – Day 119 –Commentary Luke 2:33-35 – Let God’s gift of Jesus make you rise.

The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him. Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” (Luke 2:33-35)

 When I was young, I rose and fell like a roller coaster. I believed in Jesus for as long as I can remember, but I didn’t know Him. I fell because I didn’t pray. When I was 16, I realized I could have a personal relationship with Jesus. He was my brother and became my friend. I still didn’t understand my importance to God and His plan; I had poor self-esteem. A man wanted to marry me when I was only 18, and I took the bait. He was not the man God intended for me, and I divorced. I knew I was sinning on purpose when I divorced, so I refused to accept forgiveness from God or myself. I fell hard. When I met the man God intended for me, we went to church and Bible Study. My life has been on the rise ever since. I think about God becoming human, forgiven sin, being “God’s girl,” his daughter, and some day being with him in heaven, and after all these years, I still marvel. Joseph and Mary were still marveling when Simeon, a complete stranger, publicly declared their son to be the Messiah. Simeon, a prophet, found out from God – another reason to marvel.

 During Jesus’ ministry, many opposed Him and their hearts were revealed. They hung Jesus on a cross, and after he died, a soldier pierced his side to make sure he was dead. Mary was watching. Her soul would be pierced, too.

Bible Study Devotional – Day 119 –Commentary Luke 2:33-35 – Let God’s gift of Jesus make you rise.

2 thoughts on “Bible Study Devotional – Day 119 –Commentary Luke 2:33-35 – Let God’s gift of Jesus make you rise.

  1. I can not imagine the agony that Mary went through as she watched her son being tortured and left to die on the cross. She knows that He is the Messiah and our Savior and did that make it easier for her as she watched? Did she fear death as she watched this?

    1. We know that a sword pierced her soul. I can’t imagine knowing Jesus was the Messiah made it any easier watching her son being tortured. Not long before Jesus died, she discouraged Him from preaching. She knew he had enemies and wanted Him to stop preaching among crowds. That is when Jesus said that His followers were his mother, brothers, and sisters. She must have felt bad discouraging Him, but every good mother wants to protect her child. At His death, Jesus wanted to make sure she knew how much He loved her and asked his best friend and disciple, John, to take care of her. Because Jesus rose to heaven, we will too, so I’m sure Mary had hope after the resurrection as we all do.

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