Bible Study Devotional – Day 42 – Commentary Romans 8:19-21 – What will happen when Jesus returns to earth?

jody armstrong sunset

Good morning!  Even though the sky may be gloomy this morning our hearts should be full of joy because God promises that we will be revealed as His sons and daughters and that we will be brought into glorious freedom where we will feel no negativity.

The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. (Romans 8:19-21).

Children spring out of bed early Christmas morning in eager expectation of the day’s wonderment.   We should be that excited for Jesus to come again and reveal heaven to us.  When He does, His love will capture our hearts, driving out the fear, anxiety, resentment, hatred or depression that we may be feeling this morning.  We will no longer mourn the death of a loved one, a pet, or our favorite bloom.  Lions and lambs will walk together, nature will flourish, rivers will run clear, and we will breathe fresh air.  “The creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the Children of God.”

Bible Study Devotional – Day 42 – Commentary Romans 8:19-21 – What will happen when Jesus returns to earth?

4 thoughts on “Bible Study Devotional – Day 42 – Commentary Romans 8:19-21 – What will happen when Jesus returns to earth?

  1. It is hard to imagine a place that is free of anything negative. We are bombarded in our daily lives with so much negativity. Something beautiful to look forward too

    1. It is wonderful to have heaven to look forward to. I am not scared of death When I die I want my family to celebrate, not mourn, because I will be with God and Jesus in a place that is filled with love. God has prepared a mansion for me, (and you, too!) and I won’t have to clean it!

  2. I never thought about cleaning in Heaven!! You have a point, perhaps we will never clean again once we leave our Earthly home. I feel the same as you about death. I am not ready now and hopefully, God agrees.

    1. Haha! If you like cleaning, I’m sure you can clean even if there’s no dirt in heaven. However, I hate to clean, so I can assure you I won’t be cleaning in heaven! God’s timing is perfect. Even though I love being with family and want to meet my future grandchildren while I’m alive, I am ready to go to heaven any time God wants to bring me home. However, I believe he has started a work in me that he wants me to finish, so it probably won’t be very soon. (Philippians 1:6)

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